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Category: Brewing coffee
Three easy ways to make iced coffee
Iced coffee is a perfect refreshing drink for hot sunny days or after a bike ride. Here’s our guide to making the best iced coffee, whether you want it right now or you have a little time to make it slowly. We’ll cover the fastest way first because you’re in a hurry and can’t wait…
How to make coffee with a V60
V60 is a brewing style where technique (and patience) make all the difference to the flavour. While it isn’t the most forgiving brewing method – if you pour too quickly or don’t get the grind right you’ll end up with a poor cup of coffee – it yields an excellent clean and flavourful cup if…
How to make coffee in a moka pot / stovetop coffee maker
Brewing guide – moka pot If you like the rich taste of an espresso without spending a couple of grand on a high-tech espresso machine, the moka pot, or stovetop coffee pot is a great option. There’s also something really satisfying about making coffee on the hob, and watching the steam come out of the…
How to brew coffee with a cafetiere/French Press
A cafetiere or French Press is one of the easiest ways to brew coffee and because of that it is my personal favourite for making the first cup of the day; simplicity is important when you’ve just woken up and are still bleary eyed. As well as being simple, this method also produces really tasty…
Animated guide to different coffee brewing styles
We love this animated video guide to brewing coffee in different styles from &Orange Motion Design, including Aeropress, French Press, and Moka Pot. What’s your favourite brewing style? An Instant Guide to Making Coffee from &Orange Motion Design on Vimeo.
Review: The Bialetti Moka Pot
Like all caffeine hungry people, my search for the best coffee machine has been a long one. When Freud spoke about the ‘paradox of choice’ I have no doubt that he was talking about this very thing. The eternal question of how to make a good coffee from the comfort of your own kitchen without…
Review: DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM 4200.S
Rather than fill up Roasting House with many different coffee machines, we’ve asked coffee lovers to review the coffee makers they use to make their perfect brew at home. First up – the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM 4200.S The DeLonghi Magnifica is an essential piece of bean to cup kit for coffee connoisseurs. Not only does…
Five ways to brew coffee while camping
It’s summer and that means camping season is here, Whether you’re off for a week in the wilderness or hitting the festivals you shouldn’t have to forgo your morning brew just because you’re packing light. Here’s some ingenious ways to brew up while camping: Collapsible coffee dripper If you regularly like to get in the…